Your Safety, Our Priority

Precautions for COVID-19 prevention

As part of our Safety drive in view of Covid -19 situation, we have put in place certain safety parameters that will enable us to maintain a stable work flow while still maintaining the highest of health and safety standards. To begin with we have replaced door handles with foot operated door openers and replaced finger print attendance system with face recognition systems. Some other processes that are being followed are

Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer

The key to our safety is in our own hands. Our shop floors are equipped with hand sanitizers at every essential point for the well-being of our employees.

Thermal scanners

Thermal scanners

Every employee or client visiting our shop is scanned using a thermal scanner at the entry point. This ensures we maintain a sanitary environment.



From a firm handshake we have moved to a more Indian style of greeting each other, relying on greeting each other with a polite Namaste from a distance instead of getting up close and personal.

Social distance

Social distance

We believe in keeping 6 feet of separation as is expected of modern social distancing standards. All our interpersonal interactions are now done from a minimum distance of 6 feet.

Face mask and gloves

Face mask and gloves

All employees on the ARGL shop floor are required to wear masks and gloves at all times. Masks and gloves are also available for any visitors to the shop as and when is necessary.

Digital payment options

Digital payment options

All day to day payments are now being co-ordinated through electronic payment methods that are suitable to the employees and vendor partners.

Sanitize shop floor, office areas and canteens

Sanitize shop floor, office areas and canteens

Frequently touched areas like computer keyboards, discussion tables, work stations, machines and other high touch areas are sanitized every 8 hours.

Environment, Health & Safety Policy

ARGL Ltd is committed to provide Safe and Healthy working environment for its employees, customers and other stakeholders. We are committed to ensure:

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Environment, Health, Safety consideration in our business planning decision making and all business activities.

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Continually improve our Environment, Health and Safety performance with emphasis on protection of the Environment, Pollution prevention, accident avoidance, waste reduction and conservation of resources.

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Complying with all applicable legal and statutory requirements related to health, safety and environmental performance. All the plants have full fledged Fire Hydrant system to tackle any fire hazards.

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Train and motivate employees to conduct their activities in safe and Healthy Working Condition in responsible manner.

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ECommunicate the policy and environment, health, safety concerns to all interested parties and make policy available to the public.
